Hey, this is really interesting. I’m not an atheist — I’m not sure why, except that it’s constitutionally impossible for me not to believe in … God (for lack of a better word). I began life as a liberal Quaker, became an Evangelical at 19, stayed with it for 30 years, started meditating & studying Buddhism. Now…that Something is as self-evident as ever. I also believe that dogmatism of any kind is stupid and counter-productive, and it could be the death of the human species.
The only thing I take issue with in this discussion is the trope that evangelical Christians are all judgmental bigots. I suffered from my share of those, even as a believer, but many, many more don’t fit that mold at all. They aren’t the ones going on Twitter and picking fights, though. My husband is a case in point, and he’s very open to my wacky spiritual notions.
I think the real problem is the Us-vs.-Them thinking that exists on all sides of just about any hot issue today.
I’m really curious here. What is the benefit, exactly, of Twitter fighting ? Maybe it accomplishes something that I can’t see?